How to Network Effectively on LinkedIn
I often chat with clients who are freelancers and coaches about the benefits of using LinkedIn as part of the desired marketing mix.
Many underestimate the usefulness of LinkedIn and the possibilities within it to help market and grow a business, and create opportunities for lead creation and brand awareness.
For other people who are seeking employment or advancing their careers.
Members on 2x the buying power of the average online audience
LinkedIn users have higher-than-average buying power compared to other online audiences. This makes it a great platform for businesses looking to target customers who are more likely to make purchases.
Source LinkedIn Marketing Solutions
Networking on LinkedIn is the key foundation for creating a quality network to help you achieve your business goals on this platform. For many that is to increase the number of quality leads that may convert to business.
I deal with business owners/freelancers and coaches, and it often surprises me how many of them who are also LinkedIn members do not understand how to go about using it. Some indeed waste valuable time, only to be frustrated by minimal results or none. Then wonder if they should spend their time on other platforms to get business.
In this post, I am going to discuss some tips and approaches for LinkedIn networking that will help you take the right steps towards reaching your LinkedIn networking and business goals.
LinkedIn Networking Tips: Strategies Used by Experts.
1. Create a compelling and engaging profile which builds trust and credibility.